module #2

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-is a right given to everyone to deny others from using, making or selling your creation.

Industrial Designs

-is the visible feature of the finish product, such as patterns, combinations and shapes.


-can may be one or mix of words, design and sounds used to describe the services of one person or company from other in the marketing place.


-is a right to replicate and to perform a work or a part of it. Copyright provides protection for literary, artistic, dramatic or musical works and other subject matter.

Trade secrets 

-are valuable business information that obtains its value of secrecy. It includes different types of methods , list and profiles.

Songbook by Davide Restivo.jpgAPSFILM KODAK.JPG

By Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Grid EngineOwn work, CC0,

By 用心阁/Yongxinge – 用心阁/Yongxinge, CC BY-SA 3.0,
By Davide Restivo –, CC BY-SA 2.0,


cc02 Attribution

-is a license that requires people to give them credit to your work.

sharealike-symbol  ShareAlike

-letting everyone copy, give or show any type of work that you made as they describe any alter work.

c43ab4df7a4d575bff0703123de954fde5cd9317_originalNon Commercial

-let everyone copy, give and show your work except commercially.

nd-large_ No Derivatives

-let everyone show, give and copy your original work.